The four–cylinder engine is powered by a crankshaft that draws its power from a fully functional drive shaft turned by a rubber band motor and gear system.
The UGM–11 truck has 3 operating modes, forward, backward and stationary, all controlled by a shift lever located on the side. When this lever is in off mode, it is possible to start the 4–cylinder engine and watch the 4 pistons move under the hood.
You can also take a look at the cabin door, you will notice the fully functional steering wheel connected via a steering column to the front wheels. You will also see by pressing on the front of the truck the suspensions made only of wood, it is really realistic.
The rubber band motor is a snake type with a lever mechanism on the top of the cab. The accelerator pedal (throttle) increases the engine speed when pressed, which greatly increases the realistic look of this construction kit.
The cistern is equipped with a unique opening mechanism. It is designed to accommodate a standard 0.33 L type can. Turn the “cap“ of the tank and the tank will open in a surprising way. The tank has an open and aggressive look that even the casual observer will appreciate.